The Undernet #jesuschat
Unfortunately, there's nothing pretty about this page... it's still under development, but we at #jesuschat know that rules need to be laid down fairly quickly. So, here they are. Please forgive the look, and hopefully this page will get a little brighter soon.
First and foremost in #jesuschat is respect for others. We understand that not everyone who enters the channel will be Christian. However, #jesuschat seeks to be a solely Christ-oriented channel, dedicated to discussion of our Lord and our Savior. That understood, please accept the following regulations, given in love and for everyone's benefit. =)
1. Any decisions that must be made in regards to these rules (such as, what is "offensive," what is profane, etc.) will be made solely by the ops of #jesuschat.
2. Off-topic conversations are allowed. However, they must never pertain to anything that might be offensive to other Christians, or Christ himself.
3. No cursing is allowed at all in #jesuschat. NOTE: osibot monitors the channel for cursing, and he does consider certain words (d--n) as profane that some may attempt to use in context. Please, try to avoid using such words in all cases.
4. No flooding is allowed. Flooding is generally considered as sending more than four lines of text at one time into the channel. However, flooding in any form, including sending multiple pings, ctcp's, invites, etc. are not allowed. Nor is nuking of any type.
5. Scripts are not allowed. True, the bots that exist in #jesuschat are scripts. They're not the kind of script we're talking about. Any script that advertises, is obnoxious, or interrupts the steady flow of conversation in the channel is not allowed. However, any script that doesn't interfere with the channel is okay.
6. Color is prohibited in #jesuschat. Its use is abused far too much for us to allow it, as it can easily disrupt the conversation going on in the channel. Sorry.
7. Debate, unfortunately, is also not allowed. We understand that disagreements will happen in #jesuschat?it'd be strange to not have disagreements in a religiously-oriented channel. However, the difference between debate and discussion is that debate is a matter of who is right or wrong. Discussion is not. It is solely the ops' responsibility to determine when a conversation has become an argument or debate, and to then have the involved parties stop, or at least take the argument to private message. I have rarely seen debate done in a spirit of love, and I've tried myself to do so. Typically, loving persuasion and sharing of how Jesus has proven to YOU that He is real is the best way to bring others to Christ. This in mind, we have put this rule into place.
8. Be forgiving in the channel. No grudges, please. =)
Ops reserve the right to punish any act against these rules in any way that they see fit. However, the most typical form of punishment will be:
SECOND OFFENSE: Kick from channel.
THIRD OFFENSE: Kick & ban from channel, to be removed eventually.
FOURTH OFFENSE: Kick & ban from channel *almost* permanently.
A few exceptions to this are:
1. Cursing results in an immediate kick/ban from osibot, to be removed by an op eventually. But, if you enter #jesuschat and just start cursing your head off, you probably won't get unbanned for a while.
2. Intentional flooding (such as ping floods) will result in a kick/ban, also not likely to be removed soon.
Thanks so much for visiting #jesuschat! We really are sorry for the strictness that is inherent in this rules page, but it's well-needed. Veer from breaking these rules, and you will always be well-received in the channel. Also, please know that Christ has forgiven us for much more than breaking rules on a website, and so we at #jesuschat will forgive anyone who breaks these rules. After all, we do want you to realize the dramatic change that Jesus has made in us all!
Finally, if anyone needs to reach an op, or if you have had any trouble in #jesuschat from anyone at all, please email us at one of the following email addresses:
[email protected] (slashbin)
[email protected] (Chrys)
[email protected] (ansi)